A Tribute to Slider: The Big Brown Dog Who Saved a Life
Beautiful photo of Slider on the beach.
Slider was a big brown dog no one wanted. His time in the shelter was running out and he was destined for euthanasia. Slider needed to find his forever home soon. Week after week, he and his FOJA champion, Carolyn Edwards, waited patiently at each adoption event for his forever family to walk through the door and claim him. One Saturday, a family took him home, but as fate would have it, it was not a good match. On a routine home visit, Carolyn discovered that Slider was being abused by a well-meaning but totally overwhelmed owner who didn’t have the energy or know how to provide a good home for a big brown dog.
In a ‘last ditch effort’ to find a home for Slider, Carolyn reached out to K9s for Warriors and convinced them to consider Slider. This was not an easy sell as Slider didn’t meet some of their standard criteria. Luckily, the staff recognized Slider’s potential and he was admitted into their training program.
Meanwhile, Charlie was in trouble. Charlie is a Navy veteran who returned home from active duty in 2006. Angry, sleepless and depressed, Charlie suffered from the debilitating effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome he acquired as a result of his distinguished service during two tours in Iraq. His day-to-day reality was plagued by painful memories that eventually imprisoned him. As the years passed, the scope of Charlie’s life narrowed. He could barely even leave his house. Charlie wasn’t the only victim of his demons, his family suffered as well. Finally, Charlie’s therapist told him, “You need a dog.” Even though Charlie was more than skeptical, he cooperated with the plan. The walls were caving in on him. He was desperate for relief. He agreed to keep an appointment at K9’s for Warriors.

And then, a miracle happened! Charlie and Slider met and it was love at first sight. Charlie says he felt as if he was ‘struck by lightning.” The attraction, the bond, and the understanding were instantaneous. Slider offered Charlie his paw and the deal was struck. They spent a mere three weeks training together at K9’s for Warriors. During that time, Charlie learned that Slider had some trauma issues of his own. Chain leashes, metal bowls, brooms and anything held over his head triggered a fear response in Slider. As the pair learned about each other’s issues, they also learned ways to comfort and reassure each other. When training ended, Slider donned his vest knowing he had a job to do for a man and his family who loved and cherished him. Slider had found his forever home!
Slider and Charlie became an inseparable duo who, together, developed the confidence and the courage to live life to the fullest. With Slider by his side, Charlie and his family were out of the house and on their way to all kinds of adventures. They lived the RV life going from destination to destination unafraid to experience new surroundings. They showed up to NASCAR races and minor league baseball games able to cheer on their favorites despite the noise and the chaos. Frequent trips to the beach were Slider’s favorite. He rolled in the sand, dug in the puddles and waded into the surf. The big brown dog became a big brown muddy mess!
Slider was featured in FOJA’s table book “Better Together: A Friends of Jacksonville Animals Story.” To see more and to purchase the book, click here.
Slider poses in between two wood carvings of Slider that his parents Carol and Charlie had made of him. They donated one to K9s for Warriors and the other guards their house by the front door.
For many years, life was good and got even better. Slider and Charlie settled into a dependable if not always predictable daily routine. Slider’s uncanny ability to read Charlie (and others) enabled him to sense when to approach to offer a loving gaze, a paw on the arm or to put his head in Charlie’s lap. Charlie says that Slider literally saved his life, just as Charlie had literally saved Slider’s life until the inevitable end.
On August 4th of this year, at the age of 15, Slider succumbed to the debilitating effects of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. He passed away peacefully in Charlie’s loving arms in his forever home.
Mission completed sweet boy. Rest in peace.
Foster Dog = Love at First Sight
By Andrea Zarate
My name is Andrea and I have been blessed to be the mom of sweet Lucy. It all started 4 years ago when I decided to foster a dog from ACPS. I had already been fostering kittens for a couple years at that point and I knew I wanted to bring a dog into my life. I never grew up with a dog and this would be my first time having a dog. That is why I chose to foster one first and get the hang of things.
One day there was a foster need for a small mixed breed dog who needed a calm place to recover from her injuries. She was hit by a car and brought into the shelter since she was apparently a stray. She had a fractured pelvis and injured front leg that she couldn't walk on. I saw her sweet face and knew she was the pup that I wanted to foster.
Lucy and her mom
“Our family fell in love with her and we knew she belonged with us.”
I brought her home and she hopped around on her 3 good legs... I called her my kangaroo. She was so sweet and even got along with our cats. It was a perfect fit from the start. After she recovered from her fractured pelvis it was time for the shelter's vet to figure out what to do with her injured leg. They realized it was actually an older injury that was never treated and healed incorrectly. It was painful for her and they decided it was better for her to have it fully amputated. She went through the surgery and I continued to foster her through her recovery. It was tough but I was with her every step of the way.
We officially adopted her once she was medically cleared from her amputation, but her journey to a healthy life was not over yet. Lucy was heartworm positive when she arrived at the shelter. She then had to go through months of tough treatment, but she is now heartworm negative! All of her heartworm treatment was free for us since it was all paid for by FOJA.
Having only 3 legs has not stopped Lucy from being such a vibrant and active pup! She still chases after squirrels and doesn't know she's any different than other pups.
She's our little princess and has a special place in our hearts. I couldn't imagine life without her!!
Tripods Rule!
Being 3-legged doesn’t slow Lucy down one bit!
Why I Foster and Adopt
By Lisa Graham
I tend to take on the dogs with special needs. Like the dog that needed time to heal from an imbedded collar. Or dogs healing from surgery or dogs that need a foster so they can have the surgery they need or dogs that need fostering through heartworm treatment.
Do you know Friends of Jacksonville Animals (FOJA) here in Jacksonville helps Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) cover heartworm treatments and some surgeries? They also help with special tests the shelter can’t do themselves.
I have fostered many dogs that need socialization and time with friendly dogs so they can learn to have fun and learn to be a real dog. Then there are those that are called “foster failures.” These are dogs that started as fosters but I adopted. They’re not foster failures to me though. They were chosen for me and I was always supposed to adopt them.
Below are a few of the special dogs I have helped.
Some people say I’m special for helping these dogs. The truth is I’m selfish. I may help these dogs, but the way they make ME feel when they trust me after not trusting anyone is something I strive for. That first kiss, the first time they come up to me and roll over for a belly rub and the first time they want to climb in my lap makes my life better.
Don’t you want those feelings too?
Go by the shelter, look at the dogs or cats, find one you want to foster or maybe you’ll find one you want to adopt. They need you! They need us to help them, to love them, to give them a nice place to sleep, to wrap our arms around them and cuddle. Maybe you need those cuddles just as much.
Visit ACPS Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm at 2020 Forest Street Jacksonville FL 32204.
Vinnie & Gordon
Vinnie was living on a chain almost dead from starvation when I rescued him. I worked on fattening him up and he is the love of my life at 13 now. I fostered Gordon through leg surgery and he became a helper dog working with dogs that had issues with other dogs. He stayed calm and didn’t react to growls or barks directed at him.
Mama & Dyson
Dyson the blind dog that was so chill and happy in his own little world or cuddled up with his buddy.
Mama, an old female dog taken from a hoarding situation who had many litters. She was bowlegged and blind in one eye, but loved taking care of other dogs whether scared or sick. I think she played mama dog to the other dogs because she couldn’t be with her own puppies.
Then there is the dog Crosby that was rescued from a fighting ring who was terrified of people more than dogs. Dogs taught him how to be a real dog and that he could trust most people.
Hurricane Season is Here - Be Pet Prepared
Hurricane season is here. Is your hurricane kit ready to go? Here are a few tips to make sure that you are prepared before the next storm.
1. Have a plan. Make plans ahead of time to evacuate to somewhere that is pet friendly, such as a pet-friendly shelter, hotel, or family and friends.
2. Make a kit. The kit should include food, water, and any medications that your pet may need. Keep a copy of your pet's medical records on hand. Have a collar, leash, disposable bags, food, and water bowls in your kit. Make sure to have crates available that can be used at a shelter if needed. Have a recent photo of your pet in case you become separated.
3. Make sure identification is current. Keep a collar and tag with current information on your pet. Consider microchipping your pet. Microchips won’t get lost.
4. Make sure vaccinations are up to date. Make sure their vaccinations are up to date so you don’t have any issues if you have to leave your pet in a safe place.
10 Ways to Cool Down Your Dog and Prevent Heat Exhaustion
Pet parents and their fur babies alike enjoy a nice sunny day, but sometimes summer temperatures can reach extreme levels. Just like us hoomans, high temps can make our pets uncomfortable, agitated, and sometimes aggressive.
With heatstroke in dogs being very dangerous and sometimes fatal, it’s important to know why dogs experience heat exhaustion, as well as risk factors and signs your dog might be hot.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to cool down a dog in the hot summer sun, then you’re in luck. This article will provide simple and effective methods to keep your doggo cool all through the hot summer and also share ways to relieve your pet’s pain as quickly as possible.
Read the full article from Honest Paws here: https://www.honestpaws.com/blog/how-to-cool-down-a-dog.
Hurricane Pet Safety Checklist
Hurricane season runs June-November. Here’s a nice checklist to help keep your pets safe.
The NY Cat & Dog Film Fest Comes to Jacksonville This Weekend!
Saturday, August 31, 2019
12:00 PM 2:00 PM
Sunray Cinema (map)
The NY Dog Film Festival™ is an annual celebration of the love between dogs and their people, through short films from around the world that inspire, educate and entertain, benefiting the Friends of Jacksonville Animals (FOJA).
Buy Dog Film Fest tickets: 14438.formovietickets.com
Follow the Dog Film Fest on Facebook
See the Dog Film Fest lineup
[These films are free of physical or verbal abuse toward people or animals. The only tears you might shed would be tears of joy for happy endings. The programs are designed for adult audiences but can be enjoyed by all members of the family, including mature children.]
Sunday, September 1, 2019
12:00 PM 2:00 PM
Sunray Cinema (map)
The NY Cat Film Festival™ is an annual celebration of the cats who share our lives, through short films from around the world that inspire, educate and entertain, benefiting The Friends of Jacksonville Animals (FOJA).
Buy Cat Film Fest tickets: 14438.formovietickets.com
Follow the Cat Film Fest on Facebook
See the Cat Film Fest lineup
Adopt Zorro the Amazing Tripod!
Meet Zorro the amazing tripod! This wonderful boy has stolen the hearts of us here at FOJA. Zorro has been in a loving foster home for many months recuperating with a leg injury that would not heal. He recently had his front leg amputated, but that's not stopping him from having fun! Zorro now thinks 4 paws are overrated and is getting along just great with 3!
60 lbs, 5 years old
Crate trained
House trained
Plays fetch
Good leash manners
Won't chew or destroy your personal property
This baby boy is great at dog parks! He loves to play with other medium to large size dogs like himself. (Zorro prefers older children, and is not a big fan of cats.)
It's time for this very affectionate snuggle boy to go to his furever home! Schedule a meet and greet so you can fall in love with him like we all have!
Zorro is currently being fostered at Kamp Kritter Rescue. Please contact Allison Abbott at (904) 607-2438 to met Zorro!
Amazon Prime Day is July 15-16! Shop to Benefit FOJA!
Did you know AmazonSmile donates to the charity of your choice when you shop? Same prices, same products you know and love on Amazon. Only difference is when you shop, Amazon donates up to 5% of the purchase price to charity.
And don’t worry! AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Get ready for Amazon Prime Days July 15-16. It’s like Black Friday but in July!
Set up FOJA as your charity now
so when you’re shopping those epic Prime Day deals,
you’ll help Jacksonville’s shelter animals too!
Here’s how:
1. Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/35-2349687.
2. Log in to your Amazon account.
3. You will be prompted to select a charity.
4. If FOJA doesn’t display, search Friends of Jacksonville Animals Inc.
5. Important! Be sure to select the right charity located in Jacksonville FL.
6. Every time to you shop, go to smile.amazon.com first so FOJA gets $$$!
Shop at Winn-Dixie Chaffee Road to Benefit FOJA!
Friends of Jacksonville Animals has been selected by as the benefiting non-profit in the Community Bag Program for the entire month of May!
Friends of Jacksonville Animals will receive a $1 donation every time a $2.50 reusable Community Bag is sold during the month of May at the store located at:
Winn-Dixie 703 Chaffee Road, Jacksonville FL
April is Heartworm Awareness Month!
Each year, FOJA likes to remind everyone that April is Heartworm Awareness Month and of the importance of heartworm prevention.
Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets. It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and blood vessels, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body. Heartworm disease affects our pet dogs, cats and ferrets.
Our pets get heartworms from mosquitoes. Here in Florida, we have lots of mosquitoes which means our pets are in danger year-round. Once our pets are infected, treatment is costly and very difficult on the animal. FOJA urges everyone to give their pets heartworm preventive each and every month. If you can’t afford medicine for your pet, visit our resource page for options in the Jacksonville FL area.
30% of the dogs that enter the shelter system are heartworm positive.
FOJA provides life-saving medication so these shelter dogs can be treated in-house at the shelter or through an adopter assistance program with seven participating veterinary practices throughout the Jacksonville area.
FOJA’s mission is and will always be to do anything we can to get these infected dogs treated so they can move on to a healthy and happy life. With wonderful supporters like you, we are able accomplish this. As always, thank you to all of our very generous donors for being a part of Team FOJA!
When you donate to FOJA, you’re helping save the lives of these dogs!
To date, over 3,300 dogs have been treated thanks to your donations!
Did you know…
A single dog can be infected with as many as 250 heartworms.
A heartworm can live up to seven years inside a dog.
A heartworm can live up to three years inside a cat.
Approximately 30% of the dogs that come through Jacksonville's Animal Care and Protective Services each year are heartworm positive. Your donations allow us to provide treatment opportunities to shelter dogs making them healthy and more adoptable. Please help us continue our mission of treating heartworm positive shelter dogs and educating the public on this deadly, but preventable disease. Your donation saves lives!
Help FOJA buy new kennels for ACPS cats!
Our city shelter, ACPS, was built 10 years ago. The cat kennels have housed literally tens of thousands of cats and they’re more than a little rundown! They are also out-of-date with current shelter management best practices. FOJA is running a campaign to buy new kennels that will reduce stress on the cats, better control the spread of disease, and create a nicer environment for adopters to visit the cats (and help us get more adoptions!)
One cat cage at ACPS door closed with twist-tie
Donate now and double your donation!
To house the 75+ cats the shelter typically has in adoptions, FOJA needs to raise $40,000. Until January 31st, a generous donor will match your donation $1 for $1. (Minimum $5 donation required.)
With your donation, you get a memorial pet tag stamped with the initials of your choosing to honor yourself, your pet, or a human you love. You also have the option of sending in your own pet tag. A local artist will use the tags to create a permanent art sculpture that will display in the shelter’s lobby.
Be part of the art! Donate today!
And help us spread the word!
Share this article on your social media!
Meet Varick! A FOJA Artist Series Designer!
Check out Varick! Varick has created an illustration for the first collection of our FOJA Artist Series merchandise designs. Learn more about Varick and why he loves FOJA, then go buy a shirt or two, or three, or four! Shop Here!
If you've already ordered, shirt start shipping this week! Yay!
Varick and his pup Wicket, adopted from AC&PS!
1. Name, title, and website:
Varick Rosete
Designer, Illustrator, Creative
2. Why do you want to help FOJA?
I love animals. The effect they can have on people is amazing. I like helping FOJA because I believe in their love for Jacksonville's animals — providing for them the best way that they can.
3. What are the name(s) of your pet(s)?
Wicket… Lil' Miss Wicket.
4. Why do you feel what FOJA does is important?
Because FOJA is an all-volunteer effort that helps with the City of Jacksonville's Animal Care and Protective Services. They provide their time and services to help with the city shelter by helping find new homes for the animals while also providing lots of care and love.
5. What are some of your favorite activities that involve your pets?
I love getting Wicket hyper. You can tell when that happens, too, because she gets into this low-profile running stance with her butt really low to the ground but her head's up high and she's just going around you in circles super, super fast. That girl can cut on a dime. She loves the beach – loves people watching, dog watching and just straight chillin', checking out the whole scene…'til you get her in the water and she goes crazy-happy-hyper! She also loves riding in the car with the windows down and the wind in her flybacks. Other times, she really likes taking my seat on the couch. Actually, she loves doing that all of the time.
6. What inspired your design?
We've stewed around ideas with how cool rescues are, so why not do an illustration of a cool-looking rescue, somewhat playing on a hipster-feel. This first design was inspired by Wicket because she does have a knack for wearing cool shit so why not use her as a reference.
7. Random story??
Random story? Only a few people know this but some like to say that I didn't pick Wicket, but she picked me. How? Lil Miss Wicket was just a wee, little pup, 1 of 3, when she was being fostered by my good friends Amy and Gil. We had a get-together at their house to just hang out and meet the pups. Wicket was the odd one out because she didn't look like a little Lab like the others, but seriously more like a little "Wicket the Ewok" from Star Wars. As the night moved on, I got to play with the little ewok, who was feverishly shaking from all of the excitement so I was trying to calm her down, which she was getting more relaxed. So relaxed, I would imagine, that she ended up pooping on me. And that's when everyone said she picked me...and it's been love ever since. True story.
Wicket when she was a baby.
Meet Lauren! A FOJA Artist Series Designer!
Check out Lauren! Lauren has created an illustration for the first collection of our FOJA Artist Series merchandise designs. Learn more about Lauren and why she loves FOJA, then go buy a shirt or multiple shirts! Shop Here!
1. Name, Title, Website
Lauren M Trump
Designer and Illustrator
laurenmtrump.com or dribbble.com/lmtrump
2. Why do you want to help FOJA?
Plain and simple, I love animals and it tears me apart to see them neglected, abused, or misunderstood.
3. What are the name(s) of your pet(s)?
Technically both of my pets belong to my mother, but my bubba loves me best. His name is Dooley.
4. Why do you feel what FOJA does is important?
FOJA steps up when people don't or can't. They volunteer their time and effort into helping find animals homes. Animals can't do that for themselves. FOJA is their voice and their advocate.
5. What are some of your favorite activities that involve your pets?
Well, Dooley is extremely lazy. He snores constantly. I love taking pictures of him when he decides the leather furniture is the perfect place for him to sleep or videos of his outrageously loud snoring. In the summertime, he also loves playing in the water. Bulldogs don't swim well, so we let him play in the hose and sprinkler.
6. What inspired your design?
I love images of dogs. I have a ton of great friends with great dogs. They too post them. My illustrations are an ode to those great dogs!
Lauren's design for the FOJA Artist Series.
7. Random story??
Dooley is a unique dog. He's pretty old now and tries really hard to cuddle even though he's too big and bumbly, and slobbery. He is also a snob. He eats fresh fish, potatoes, and green beans. He'd eat that way even if he didn't have food allergies and was allergic to 99% of dog foods. He likes to jump on the leather furniture, even if you stare right at him. He'd do it anyway, even if you had the thickest carpet in your house or brand new dog beds. He knows what he likes, what can I say?
Meet Stephanie! A FOJA Artist Series Designer!
Meet Stephanie Ward, one of our FOJA Artist Series designers!
With the launch of the Artist Series Merchandise, we thought it would be nice to showcase the artists involved with the project and get to know them a little better. Check out Stephanie! She has created two designs for FOJA to use on shirts (and other products) for our fundraising project! Don't forget to get your pre-order in now to insure you get yours in August! Shop here!
Stephanie and her husband Jim (also a designer/illustrator that will be featured later in the year), and their two dogs, Archie and Skips.
1. Name, title, and website:
Stephanie Ward
I am a freelance Graphic Designer, formerly living in Jacksonville but currently working in Oregon.
2. Why did you want to help FOJA?
I have two little shi tzu mixes that have made such an incredibly positive impact on my life. They’re both rescue dogs~ Archie was found at a Georgia flea market sharing a cage with chickens, and Skips was found in the woods in Clay County. It wasn’t until they shaved down his matted fur that they discovered he was injured and missing a foot. Thanks to some seriously heroic people, our dogs were able to find a home with us, and I'm thankful for them every day. It is because of the efforts of people and organizations like FOJA that dogs like Archie and Skips are able to start a new, happy life. FOJA’s dedication and mission is so crucial to the care and protection of animals in the Jacksonville area. They’ve made such a tremendous impact on our family, and I am happy to do anything I can to help spread the love!
3. What are the name(s) of your pet(s)?
Archie & Skips
4. Why do you feel what FOJA does is important?
Thanks to FOJA’s fundraising efforts, countless animals in Jacksonville have been provided with medical care and a comfortable shelter environment. I especially appreciate their efforts to reduce unnecessary euthanasia (Because of his injuries, Skips was going to be euthanized before some kind souls intervened). And their dedication to educating the public about animal welfare and safety.
5. What are some of your favorite activities that involve your pets?
One of my favorite things to do is be outside in the yard and run around with our dogs. Archie and Skips became fast friends— and their favorite games are tug-of-war, fetch, and “everybody sit on Mom while she’s designing”. Now that we’re in Oregon we’re taking them out more and experiencing nature together.
6. What inspired your design?
Boots n’ Cats was inspired by a co-worker teaching me how to beat box… He told me to “just say boots and cats really fast” and I always thought that was hilarious. Because I went with a loose, doodlie style on my designs, I decided to draw the cats in the exact same style I used to when I was a kid. That was just a throw-back thing that made the design even more fun for me. The same goes for the animal hodgepodge design. It just reminded me of drawing animals in elementary school instead of learning long division. I wanted it to be casual and playful—like my dogs!
7. Share your adoption story:
Archie came to Jim as a puppy~ like I mentioned, his sister was at a flea market in Georgia when she saw this little furball getting pecked at by chickens. So she scooped him up, told the seller he was a bad man, and got him the hell out of here. Jim and Archie have been buddies ever since, and Archie charms the socks off anyone he meets with his huge goofy smile.
Skips came to the Clay County Shelter in really bad shape. When they shaved him, they discovered the foot, as well as bad skin issues on his ears, back, and tail. The staff thought he was so sweet, they allowed him to sleep in the office instead of the shelter, but things still weren’t looking good for him with his injuries. There is a woman named Karen Hettinger who specializes in saving injured animals, and she came and took him home. Amy (with FOJA!) saw her post photos on Facebook, and knew we were looking for a friend for Archie. When we saw him, we couldn’t believe how similar they looked, so we contacted Karen. Skips’ injury was still pretty recent. It was so bad, many vets recommended we amputate the entire leg (I really didn't want to do that to him!). I’m a squeamish person (I faint at the sight of blood), but we had to get that wound healed. So at the recommendation of a vet at the Humane Society, I put raw honey on it every night, and it healed beautifully. He got around fine but limped pretty badly, so after a few failed attempts at home-made peg-legs, we contacted Orthopets.com and had a custom-fitted prosthetic made for him. It was about a 2 month long process from getting a cast made, to trying out prototypes, and getting the final boot. Now Skips is fast as hell and comes down with frequent cases of the zooms.
Happy Fourth Of July from FOJA!
As we celebrate the 233rd Birthday of our nation this 4th of July, The Friends of Jacksonville Animals wants to remind all our Furry Guardians here in Jacksonville Florida that the “Here Comes the BOOM” is not dog or cat friendly. Our furry friends hearing is so much more acute than ours; so in basic terms, our little boom is a very loud boom for them. A few things happen when the repetitive boom of fireworks starts;
1. Run away from the noise, fight or flight instinct takes over
2. Bark and chase the noise, protective fight of the fight or flight
The 5th of July is documented as one of the most intake days for strays nationwide. This is due to the runners and chasers of fireworks, and all things loud. So we ask you Jacksonville, to calm, control and keep your furry family members away from the BOOM and loud celebrations this 4th of July. Keep them inside when festivities start. Kenneled securely outside if that’s their home too. Understand that noise really hurts their ears; and triggers instincts. Some Furry Guardians even get bit out of fear when trying to contain an animal that is reactive to the fanfare. So be safe! Contain your furry family members before the festivities start. The Friends of Jacksonville Animals want you to have a Safe and Wonderful 4th of July; 233 years is a very young Nation and worth celebrating. Just Keep the Furry ones inside, contained, safe and calm. Here are a few links from our Grantors and others to help you!
Happy Birthday America and Thank You Supporters & Members of Friends of Jacksonville Animals, have a safe and wonderful Holiday!
Fido Friendly Magazine Spotlights Jacksonville!
Check out Jacksonville in Fido Friendly Magazine...
The Spring issue of Fido Friendly Magazine is featuring Jacksonville, FL and all of the "dog-friendly" places to go and things to do! Check out their write-up on Jacksonville, pick up a copy of the Spring issue, and get outside with your four-legged friends to enjoy the weather! Heading somewhere else for vacation? Check out their helpful "Fido-Friendly" Travel map for adventures, dining, and outings the whole family can enjoy!
Supporter Spotlight: Sara Dougherty

Name: Sara Dougherty
Occupation: Marketing and Product Development Consultant at Clearworks
Type of Support provided to FOJA: Fostering kittens and also fund-raising as part of running a half-marathon
Please tell us how you came to get involved with FOJA and why: I became involved with supporting ACPS and FOJA after being encouraged to do so by a few of my friends (Cathleen Murphy, Amy Ploss-Samson and Gil Samson) who were volunteering with the foster program. They knew I was an animal lover and I work from home so fostering was a good fit for me. It is hard to believe that it has been almost two years since I started volunteering!
How have you been able to provide support to FOJA? I have been fostering for almost two years. However, I recently decided to run a half-marathon to support FOJA. Which, by the way, is a little nuts since I was not a runner when I made that decision. I wanted to use the race and my training for it as an opportunity to raise money for FOJA. I decided to create a fundraising page for my race through a website called Crowdrise. It was really easy to do, since FOJA is one of the charities that you can choose to fundraise for on the site. By using Crowdrise you can turn any event or race into a way to raise money for FOJA. After getting my fundraising page all set up, I sent the link out to all of my friends and family as well as posting it on Facebook. So far I have raised over $1,000 of the $1,500 goal I set for myself. That money will go to support the FOJA Heart Care Program and the Kitten Foster Care Program. I am also happy to report that as a result of some serious training I am already up to running 11 miles. I am on my way to meeting both my fundraising goal and my running goal!
Do you have animals yourself? If so, what kind and what are their names? I have a dog and a cat. Both are rescues. Myles is a 100+ pounds sweetheart of a brown mutt and Ms. Kitty is a tortie cat with a feisty attitude. What would you say to someone looking to get involved with FOJA? FOJA does great work and supporting them and ACPS is easy. I know fostering animals might not be for everyone but it is important to remember that there are lots of other ways to help too. I know of people who have done drives at work to collect items that are needed at the shelter. Or you could run a 5K or other race and set up a Crowdrise fundraising page like I did to help fund the programs that save animals at the shelter.
What is your favorite quote/saying about pets or your pet specifically? I am not sure that I have a favorite quote or saying about pets… I have just always been an animal lover. They bring joy into my life. If I can save a furry friend so that they can bring joy into someone else’s life then I believe that puts a little more light out into this world. Which is a beautiful thing.
Do you have a company website, FB page, Twitter? If so, please list that information so that we can support your company as you have supported us! My company website is: www.clearworks.net. My fundraising page is: http://www.crowdrise.com/saradruns/fundraiser/saradougherty
Thank you, Sara, for being an awesome FOJA supporter!
Audrey Hepburn, Meet Greta Garbo
By Katherine H.
My husband, Bryant, and I had been talking about adopting a second dog for what seemed like ages. We knew it was the right decision but it never seemed to be the right time.
Admittedly, we were a little nervous. We adopted our first dog Audrey Hepburn, from Animal Care & Protective Services (ACPS) back in the spring of 2009. Audrey, a now six-year-old American Foxhound Mix reveled in the undivided attention of being our only child. Over time though it became clear, Audrey needed a companion.
But then we were in the middle of buying our first home.
And then, we were in the middle of renovating our new home.
And then we hosting out of town friends, or we were sick, or… Like I said, it never was the right time.
Finally at the urging of some of our FOJA friends, we threw caution to the wind, and on a whim, went to Animal Care & Protective Services one Saturday afternoon. I hadn’t made it half way through the first kennel when from the far end, I heard my husband: “Come see this one!” I knew from the inflection in Bryant’s voice, that this one, named Yo-Yo, had won his heart. Her personality seemed to be a match: playful yet meek. It was time to bring home Audrey’s little sister.
We braced ourselves for the adjustment. How would Audrey react? What would she do? The ACPS staff member who helped us with the paper work also helped us with a plan: the very first thing to do was to bring Audrey outside, let her take the lead, and walk both Audrey and Yo-Yo around the neighborhood. This approach would provide a neutral setting and a gentle introduction. Plus, it would allow Audrey to establish the role of alpha dog in our new little pack.
Armed with this piece of advice, we brought Yo-Yo home. I held my breath and we did exactly as instructed. We walked both dogs through the neighborhood and around the park before heading back to the house and letting them off-leash in the backyard. At this moment, Yo-Yo, a Boxer-Labrador mix, reared up into the traditional boxer play-pose. Audrey looked at us as if to say, “Guys, what the heck is this?” then to our delight, responded in kind. An hour later, we were scrubbing down two very dirty, muddy, happy dogs. One day later, we settled on a new name for our little starlet: Greta Garbo.
And so we’ve gone from there, reinforcing Audrey’s role as alpha dog along the way, while making it clear that her new sister was here to stay. It’s not to say that there haven’t been scuffles along the way, but one month later, Audrey and Greta are doing a great job sharing the spotlight.
An Evening With Cesar Millan

The show and laughter begins when Cesar starts impersonating all the ways we send mixed messages to our dogs. Whether greeting strange dogs with over-excitement, bringing on separation anxiety when we leave the house, or causing our dogs to be hyper and over-excited, we laughed but I think we saw a lot of ourselves in the way he acted.
He soon brings out a few dogs that have issues and the humans that may be causing them. Earlier in the day he spent time with them to assess their problems or issues. First out is Jaime with her dog Magnum. Magnum has a problem walking on a leash. Like a lot of dogs he is constantly pulling. Jaime has tried everything, including a double leash that is supposed to be designed specifically for this problem. Nothing works until Cesar gets ahold of the dog. Jaime is shown how to hold the collar higher up on the neck to get Magnum’s attention and to prevent the dog from choking. She is also shown how to walk with shoulders back confidently and not pay attention to the dog. Soon she masters the walk with Magnum.
Next out is Becky with Tina. Tina was confiscated in a cruelty case. She was living on the end of a chain. There were other dogs there, as well, all living in muddy conditions with no food, water or shelter. They could see each other, but could not reach each other to play. Because of this Tina does not know how to act around other dogs or people. Becky is shown how to introduce Tina to other dogs and how to make her more comfortable with them. Junior is used in this demonstration. Junior noticed the nervousness in Tina and reacted to that nervousness but was quickly corrected by Cesar. Soon they were both greeting each other and interacting like dogs should.
Overall, the evening was a huge success, and I think those of us that were there learned a lot from “The Dog Whisperer”. Please visit Animal Care and Protective Services for more information on Tina. She is a great dog that needs a loving second chance at life. And after all, how many people can say they have a dog that had a training session with Cesar Millan?! If you adopt Tina, YOU can!
Tina is still available for adoption. Contact ACPS for more information.