Meet Varick! A FOJA Artist Series Designer!
Check out Varick! Varick has created an illustration for the first collection of our FOJA Artist Series merchandise designs. Learn more about Varick and why he loves FOJA, then go buy a shirt or two, or three, or four! Shop Here!
If you've already ordered, shirt start shipping this week! Yay!
Varick and his pup Wicket, adopted from AC&PS!
1. Name, title, and website:
Varick Rosete
Designer, Illustrator, Creative
2. Why do you want to help FOJA?
I love animals. The effect they can have on people is amazing. I like helping FOJA because I believe in their love for Jacksonville's animals — providing for them the best way that they can.
3. What are the name(s) of your pet(s)?
Wicket… Lil' Miss Wicket.
4. Why do you feel what FOJA does is important?
Because FOJA is an all-volunteer effort that helps with the City of Jacksonville's Animal Care and Protective Services. They provide their time and services to help with the city shelter by helping find new homes for the animals while also providing lots of care and love.
5. What are some of your favorite activities that involve your pets?
I love getting Wicket hyper. You can tell when that happens, too, because she gets into this low-profile running stance with her butt really low to the ground but her head's up high and she's just going around you in circles super, super fast. That girl can cut on a dime. She loves the beach – loves people watching, dog watching and just straight chillin', checking out the whole scene…'til you get her in the water and she goes crazy-happy-hyper! She also loves riding in the car with the windows down and the wind in her flybacks. Other times, she really likes taking my seat on the couch. Actually, she loves doing that all of the time.
6. What inspired your design?
We've stewed around ideas with how cool rescues are, so why not do an illustration of a cool-looking rescue, somewhat playing on a hipster-feel. This first design was inspired by Wicket because she does have a knack for wearing cool shit so why not use her as a reference.
7. Random story??
Random story? Only a few people know this but some like to say that I didn't pick Wicket, but she picked me. How? Lil Miss Wicket was just a wee, little pup, 1 of 3, when she was being fostered by my good friends Amy and Gil. We had a get-together at their house to just hang out and meet the pups. Wicket was the odd one out because she didn't look like a little Lab like the others, but seriously more like a little "Wicket the Ewok" from Star Wars. As the night moved on, I got to play with the little ewok, who was feverishly shaking from all of the excitement so I was trying to calm her down, which she was getting more relaxed. So relaxed, I would imagine, that she ended up pooping on me. And that's when everyone said she picked me...and it's been love ever since. True story.
Wicket when she was a baby.